Why aliens might already know that humans exist

For years, we’ve been scanning the skies, hoping to find signs of alien life. We’ve listened for strange radio signals and searched for planets that might be able to support life. Despite these efforts, we haven’t yet found any solid proof that aliens exist.

But what if aliens do know about us? Could they be looking back at Earth? Scientists have been exploring this idea as we continue to unintentionally send out signals into space. “If we look in the mirror in space, what would aliens see?” asks Jacqueline Faherty, an astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History. “We’re searching for them, and they might be searching for us too.”

For over a century, Earth has been sending signals into space. The most significant period was from around 1900 to World War Two when our radio signals were stronger. This was because early radios had less sensitive receivers, so we had to transmit more powerfully.

Today, we still send out radio signals, like those from TV shows and satellites, but they are not as easy to detect. Thomas Beatty, an astronomer at the University of Wisconsin, notes that modern communications like mobile phone signals are even less noticeable.

Interestingly, one of the most detectable signs of human activity might be our city lights. In 2021, Beatty discovered that the sodium from these lights could be seen in a planet’s atmosphere, making it a clear sign of our presence. “It has very sharp spectral features,” Beatty explains. “You wouldn’t get that from natural processes.”

For now, the signs of our existence are not huge, but they are still noticeable. “Aliens don’t need advanced technology to find us,” says Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the Seti Institute. “They just need technology similar to ours, but on a larger scale.”

In conclusion, we might not know if aliens are real or not, but if you’re intrigued by the idea of extraterrestrials, a good alien invasion story is worth checking out. For a thrilling read, try “Rebel Hearts: Alien Skies” by Colby Callahan. It’s a fantastic Sci-Fi book that explores new ideas and keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you’re feeling disillusioned with traditional institutions and governments, this book offers a fresh and exciting perspective on those themes.

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